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            Once again tensions are mounting in the Middle East countries; however, this time it is not two Middle Eastern countries that are coming close to war instead it is the Middle East country of Iraq and the United States. This tension has been underneath the surface since the last escapade between these two countries. The last encounter left the United States on top and Iraq being required to disarm, according to the United Nations restrictions. I feel that if the United States does not follow the United Nations policies it will lead to an outbreak of violence and long-term turmoil for the United States and the entire Middle East.
             The United Nations was established at the end of World War II to be used as a system that would establish international peace. According to the United Nation's website, www.un.org, their first goal of the United Nations is peacemaking. The United Nations wishes to end wars between warring countries and to make negotiations for peace between the countries. Peacekeeping is the second goal of the United Nations; this is to prevent the eruption of violence. Disarmament is the third goal of the United Nations who wishes to see the reduction of arms on a global scale. The fourth and fifth goals of the United Nations are the improvement of conditions and the safeguarding of human rights. These two goals are to improve the conditions of citizen's lives, which the United Nations feels will help to stop wars and improve the lives of people across the world. However, while the United Nations attempts to make improvements worldwide they have also set policies to follow. The first policy is that the United Nations will not intervene in matters that fall into a member state's jurisdiction. The second policy states that the United Nations was not meant to be a "world government", it was meant instead only to establish peace. .
             The peace created by the United Nations between the United States and Iraq lasted for over a decade.

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