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Affirmative Action


             I am writing in response to your editorial in the Washing Post on 4/22/03. The article includes your opinion that affirmative action should be abolished and that lower education should be looked at to solve such problems.
             Minorities today deserve such laws, mainly because the mainstream white America looks at such people with a lower expectation in the first place. These laws merely even the playing field for all races.
             You might start by saying that these laws make it unbalanced and begin to favor the minorities in America. If you look at reality, however, you will see that there are still many more white Americans in college than any other race. So any comment about how minorities are favored due to affirmative action does not hold any value. Not to mention that these minorities aren't necessarily asked to go to a certain college, but however must apply just like the rest of the nation. Affirmative action laws merely help underprivileged people gain the support and confidence that they need in order to pursue a better life. Do you want even more stereotypes to occur and more racism to break out upon the country?.
             You also stated that most minorities drop out of big time schools after they experience the tough curriculum. This is not because they are minorities and definetly not because they were accepted due to any laws. Their reasons for dropping out are the same for any college age student. They do fairly well in highschool, but find the unlimited freedom of college to much to grasp all at once. When they finally have the chance to make their own decisions, they merely make the wrong choices and lose grip on their studies. Not to mention that not only minorities drop out of school, but many white Americans do so as well.
             Affirmative action only serves to help minorities get a chance that they might now otherwise receive, and therefore does not serve to make their lives harder. They should not, and will not, be abolished.

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