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Bloddy Mary


            Mary Tudor, the eldest child of King Henry VIII ruled England from 1553 to 1558.
             Although her reign may have seemed like a short period of time, the problems and.
             damage that occurred was anything but insignificant. During the five years Queen Mary.
             reigned England, she was involved in religious, and family problems that dictated her.
             involvement in the burning of many people. For this fact, Queen Mary deserved to be.
             given the nickname "Bloody Mary". .
             The main reason in why Mary deserved the nickname was because of her.
             involvement with religion in England during the16th century. When Mary took the.
             throne, she wanted to repeal all the religious laws that were passed in the reign of.
             Edward VI and she wanted to restore the Roman Catholic faith. At the time of Mary's.
             reign there were two different types of people; Catholics and Protestants, which resulted.
             in an enormous problem amongst the people. The medieval heresy laws were restored by.
             Parliament, which meant that heretics could be killed. The Protestants chose not to agree.
             with these laws, and so they had to pay for it with their lives. Mary chose to kill the.
             Protestants rather than forbid them. In all, approximately 300 Protestants were persecuted.
             because Mary became upset that they would not convert to Catholicism.
             During her reign, Mary made a wrong decision in marrying Prince Philip of Spain.
             rather than who the people of England wanted her to marry. Because of her mistake, plots.
             were being hatched to overthrow Mary and to place her sister Elizabeth on the throne.
             This frustrated Mary, and she went out of her way so Elizabeth could not take the throne.
             Mary was desperate to have a child, for her child would then reign rather than Elizabeth.
             This plan was devised in order to keep the Catholic religion in England. If Elizabeth were.
             to take the throne, she was Protestant and could convert the religious laws in England by.
             dismissing the Catholic faith. From this we cannot gather that she is "bloody", however,.

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