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How I Came About Doing a Cloning Project


            If you have opened up a newspaper, or flipped on your T. recently, one thing that you probably would have noticed is that the "hot topic" over the last few weeks has been cloning. This has caught the attention of many people ­ scientists, the President, mass media, and me. I was very shocked by this, and I realized just one thing: That humans do not have the right to clone a human soul, and would not have the responsibility to deal with such a tender subject in the right way.
             When I was looking for a topic to choose for my history day project there was one that kept popping up everywhere that I went. It was the headline on all the newspaper covers, and the topic that was being discussed on nearly every debate show on television. My partner and me have always had a certain interest in cloning, and we knew that it would be the perfect topic for our report. This topic seemed to match the theme perfectly, and it would be one that we would both enjoy doing. We also concluded that because of how recent it was, sources would be easy to find.
             Newspapers and Internet sites would become our main resource center for history day. When looking thru recent Newspapers that I had received I found many articles that were of use to us. These articles were very helpful when trying to formulate our own opinions on the topic. Next we moved on to the Internet. We were able to find several articles that gave us numerous details about our topic; these came in use when trying to describe the history of cloning. Lastly we determined that all of the ideas that we had received from our sources would best be displayed on a web page.
             My partner and me are both skilled programmers, so we decided make the most use of our abilities and build a web page. After looking at some other web sites that we had come across, we got a feel for what kind of web page we wanted - a good quality website that was interesting, and would be appealing to the judges.

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