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Goodbye Without Leaving


             Goodbye without leaving written by laurie colwin, presents a failed graduate student, who quite her graduate school enter a musician group the shakely's group was owned by black people and Geraldine, the main character was only the white person in the group. Pride and Prejudice written by Jane Austen, presents five daughters who are not married in the beginning of the book. So both of these books are similar in a way because both involve marriages and relationship between characters. In "goodbye without leaving" Geraldine believe that if u get married you don't have many choices as the unmarried women. On the other hand in pride and prejudice the five daughters thinks opposite they think when u get married you have more doors open to you. .
             While reading goodbye without leaving I kept "Pride and Prejudice" in my mind because the theme of both novels is self-realization. The main character in pride and prejudice didn't realize what she wanted until nearly at the end of the novel, however in this book, the author presents Geraldine as an independent person, who didn't need to depend on anyone. She made her own decisions. Going back to "Pride and Prejudice" the main character Elizabeth Bennet is fairly attractive is receptive to the hero and genuinely desirable as a women. So is very similar to Geraldine in goodbye without leaving Elizabeth is also is a masculine strength in her, clarity of vision, a directness of purpose that raises her above the heroine. So going back to goodbye without leaving Geraldine left her graduate school. She lost her parents because they didn't like the concept of Geraldine being a shakette. In the novel, Laurie Colwin makes Geraldine character a foil to Mary Abolt, who is her best friend. Mary isn't exactly a foiled to Geraldine because Geraldine only compared herself with her. Mary helped Geraldine make decisions, however Geraldine took her decision as the final.

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