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             East Pakistan with Indian territory in between.
             The birth of the Bangladesh in 1971 .
             First- a nature disaster of titanic proportions, followed by a fratricidal war.
             Second- a flood of refugees .
             Final- another war.
             These things were the leader elements of the apocalypse that ushered the state of Bangladesh. .
             Similarities between Moslem nations.
             Islamic faith and.
             Pakistan International Airport.
             Differences between two wings of Pakistan .
             1. Language .
             2. Cultural achievement .
             3. Racial characteristics .
             4. Unequal distribution of the economic resources between the West and East Pakistan. .
             West Pakistan is six times the size of the East Pakistan.
             1. Tendency of the West leadership was to treat the Bengalis as poor members. The capital of the nation is in the West first in the Karachi, then in Islamabad. Westerners has been always richer then the easterners.
             1. The West had the virtual monopoly on Pakistan's power elite.
             85% of all government was in the hands of the West.
             2/3 of the nation industry .
             4/5 of its banking and insurance assets .
             Easterners were more interested in the art and literature, but under the growing pressure of depravation, pride gave way to Bengal nationalism.
             In November 1970 a devastating cyclone struck the coast of Bengal and claimed the lives of almost half of a million people, who survived suffered disease and starvation " a second Hiroshima" .
             Yahya Khan was the president promised.
             free elections.
             The election result .
             -People's Party of the West was headed by Zulfikar Lai Bhutto.
             -Sheik Mujibur Rahaman's Awami League of the East won and this was big shock for the West. As the result of this the East Pakistan .
             -Also the East Pakistan with large population of Bengali was given 169 seats in the National Assembly, but West won only 90 seats, and therefore the prime minister was the Sheik. .
             -West did not like this idea of the East Awami League to be absolute majority on the National Assembly and the control of the central government therefore they wanted reelections which leaded to the bloody conflict.

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