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Democrats V. Republicans


            The United State's government has many influential groups vying for position, but two groups largely control it. The Republicans and Democrats. These two groups have been around almost as long as the U.S. itself. Republicans are a conservative group, while the Democrats are liberal. The Republicans believe in a small government that should only interfere when necessary. They also believe that everyone has certain rights and freedoms that can only be taken away to protect others. The Democrats, on the other hand, believe in a larger government that has the right to control or regulate peoples" lives. Democrats want to distribute the wealth between everybody.
             Both Democrats and Republicans have played major roles in our government. Democrats have helped pass important bills ranging from student loan acts to gun safety laws. In the 1980s, the Republicans led the U.S. in defeating the Soviet Union in the Cold War to become the only superpower.
             The media plays a major role in our government because they show the American public what's going on in Washington. They have the ability to sway stories and spin things around. Many times the media can make or break a politician by how they choose to display them. A lot of the public will vote on politicians or political issues based on what they"re told by the media. A good example is the story behind Gary Condit. The huge, negative, media attention suspecting him of possibly murdering a woman has all but killed his political career. .
             Interest groups also play a role in our government. They include organizations like the NRA (National Riffle Association), NAACP (National Association for the Advancement Colored People), and AOPA (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association). All .
             of these groups have delegates in Washington fighting for their rights and causes. The NRA might try to protect peoples" right to bear arms; the NAACP will fight for equality of minorities; and the AOPA will make sure all pilots can still fly even in the wake of terrorists.

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