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Poor Richards Almanac


             Secrets are shared and told by many, especially in entertainment and media. Gossip is the favorite pass time form many individuals, even best friend sharing her friends secrets with the whole school. There is a constantly a need for drama, something of interest, unlike the normal conversation topic. A secret shared by friends or even family is not really a secret at all, just an interesting story to talk about with many others. There are many places where this can occur; at school, in Hollywood and even at home. .
             In such cases, as with me in the 6th grade when I shared the name of my crush with my supposed best friend and had sworn her to secrecy, she said she would not speak a word of it, I had trusted her. The fact that I had something that nobody knew, made me want to tell her, even she might tell others which could directly affect me. Well not even best friends can help themselves to such a juicy secret, and by the end of the week people I did not even know, were whispering, "guess who Katie likes ?" These continued rumors had spread like wild fire. I was upset at first with my friend, but then I realized that I had been the fool, would I have been able to keep this kind of secret about her? In any case, we became friends again, but I never told her a secret like that again.
             In entertainment there are many secrets about stars to be found and exploited in media, news and tabloids. Even though most of it probably is not true, people still want to think of Hollywood as a corrupt place like anywhere else. They may even want to know their secrets because they see this place a haven for the beautiful, and they just want to hear about their lives, even if it means intruding into their privacy. For example when Drew Barrymore and Tom Green who are both well known actors, wanted to get married without media coverage, and they entrusted their secret to mainly friends and family who were invited.

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