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Sports 2030


             Hello and welcome back to the first ever amateur space football game featuring the.
             Mercury Asteroids and the Orbitron Stars. For all of those just tuning in their earth to.
             space digital cams, this is Joe Thiesman V broadcasting live from Space Stadium I located.
             at the Orbital Hilton Hotel. It is December 2, 2030. Special speaker for this evening is.
             Joseph John Glenn to give everyone a little "history" on Space Stadium I.
             Space Stadium I is a part of the first, ever in the history of the world, rotating.
             zero-gravity sport center. This sports center which contains enough "space" for the game.
             of football, basketball, swimming, gymnastics, table-tennis, boxing, golf, and car racing,.
             plus hold 5,000 spectators. This does not sound like a very big crowd, however, the.
             stadium is very spectator friendly, which given the $2.5 million dollars per person that it.
             took to get here this is what the stadium has to offer. The stadium is separated off from.
             the actual playing field with a plexiglass like structure. This is to ensure comfortable.
             temperature control and sufficient oxygen flow. Each seat is set up with a control panel.
             consisting of digital screen and headset. Depending on where the spectator sits, based on.
             ticket cost, the control panel allows them certain services, such as ordering food and.
             drinks, smoking, bathroom request, chair recline, telephone, email, scores and updates of.
             other games, conversations with other spectators and much, much more. Spectators and.
             non-smokers do not have to worry about second hand smoke anymore. Stadium I is.
             equipped with a state-of-the-art air filter system disposing of all smoke, cigarette butts,.
             and ashes eliminating all ashtrays. Amazing, it is all a matter of technology. No more.
             waiting in lines, carrying cash, having to find the restroom, underage drinking, etc. This.
             makes for a great atmosphere.
             The stadium itself rotates around the playing fields at a speed equivalent to.

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