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The Downfall of Love


            Love has always been a natural phenomenon. It is only now that we are manipulating love. This is since our minds and hearts are changing along with the times. Because people's concepts of what love is and ideas of what lovers do are greatly degrading over the years, the downfall of love is roughly at hand.
             Most people back then believe that love is the only thing that is significant in a boy-girl relationship. Now, people deem that love is not the only thing that matters. Several other things come into mind of most people when picking a satisfactory partner like beauty, body contour, class, etc. They seldom search for a person who has a good personality. Most people nowadays judge the person by his/her physical looks before considering having him/her as a partner.
             People of the older times just allow love to take place. It is only now that a person tries to manipulate someone he/she likes to make her/him fall in love with him/her. The individual chooses strategically where to take the person and what to do in every place they go to. The most embarrassing thing that people do nowadays is that they use fancy pick-up phrases or lines.
             Back then, people let love take control of them. They seldom choose someone just because of their physical looks. Today, because of the uncontrollable brainwashing caused by the media, most of us are being more and more concerned about the looks of the person instead of the personality. We seldom want someone with good character and fair looks.
             Is this really what we want? Are we content of what is happening to our concepts and ideas of love? Will this end the true meaning of love?.

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