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Hamlets Character


             In the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark, is an extremely complex character; he experiences betrayal by his friends and family, and becomes so distraught he falls into a sate of astute by grief and despair. As the play begins, a ghost appears and declares to Hamlet that he is his father's spirit. Hamlet follows him into the darkness, and learns that his uncle Claudius murdered his father. The dead king orders that Hamlet seek vengeance upon Claudius. Claudius assumed his brother's throne, and married his wife Gertrude. Prince Hamlet becomes infuriated, but procrastinates in killing Claudius. Critics have tried to justify Hamlet by explaining or interpreting his actions; Dr Samuel Johnson views Hamlet as an element of evil, cruelty, violence, and cynicism. Like many others, I also question Hamlets "madness".
             Hamlet has lost faith in himself and others. He also derives pleasure in watching other people he once loved suffer. Hamlet no longer cares for Ophelia, "I have heard of your paintings, well enough. God hath given you one face, and you make yourselves another. You jig and amble, and you lisp; you nickname God's creatures and you make your wantonness your ignorance I say we will have no moe marriage. Those that are married already-all but one-shall live [t]o a nunnery, go." (III.i.144-152) Hamlet is saying that Ophelia is a two-face liar. He then sends her off to a nunnery. It is a double meaning for whorehouse/place for nuns. He shows that he no longer cares for Ophelia, and wants her out of his life by the way he speaks to her, and the words he uses. He calls her a whore to her face, the person he once loved. Ophelia cares deeply for him, but Hamlet does not care anymore and speaks to her in such a disgusting manner so that she may leave him alone. Another cruel incident that occurs is when Hamlet finds himself alone with King Claudius, but decides not to avenge him at that very moment because he was confessing his sins.

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