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             In the United States, getting sick can even make a wealthy person into a bankrupt person. As the twentieth century developed in terms of economic and social changes it also revolutionized the aspect of health care in society. The price of Medicare and health care has changed so much over the years. As a medical revolution started and brought along the new aspects of technological advancements, health care became one of the most expensive parts of the United States government's budget. Both in good and bad ways, this has changed our view of medical health care, because of our ways of living and changes in our environment. Getting sick can cause a person so much stress due to the high prices of, CO-payments, prescriptions, and monthly premiums. For example, in 1992 the United States spent a total of about $738 billion on health care. This total has kept increasing throughout the years. This shows that there is a major problem with health care and Medicare costs in America.
             There are many different activist groups such as, the People's Medical Society and the American Association of Retired Persons. These groups are struggling to control health care for the people of the United States. These people can easily see the something needs to be done to help control the high prices and stressful situations. These problems can lead people to not want to go to their doctor's office, or get that surgery, or even to get eyeglasses. The treatments of regular doctor's visit are enormously high. When talking about advanced care such as surgeries the numbers seem enormous for an average citizen of the United States.
             American citizens, and all people living in the United States, are not receiving equal health care for many reasons. The elderly citizens are facing a big problem with health care. They are being hit the hardest by rising health care costs. For the elderly it is usually harder due to the fact that they have more problems with their health the older they get.

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