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Drunk Driving


             Would you let your best friend drive drunk? Driving drunk, even short .
             distances, can be extremely dangerous. You may be stuck at a party with no .
             ride home, but be sure not to drive drunk or get in the car with a drunk .
             driver. If you chose to ignore this advice, then you could be subjected to .
             consequences like receiving DUI. In more severe cases, you may kill yourself .
             or others. .
             You are at a party and you have had a few drinks. You do not want to call .
             your parents because your afraid of the consequences, so you figure your best .
             option would be to drive yourself home. You are five minutes away from your .
             house when you see the flashing red lights behind you. The police officer asks .
             you to step out of the car and walk in a straight line. You fail to do so and .
             you are arrested with the charge of a DUI. "DUI means "Driving under the .
             Influence" of alcohol or drugs. This can result in a lose or drivers license .
             or going to jail"(nhtsa). This is considered getting it easy compared to .
             alternative situations.
             One alternative is that you could crash and kill yourself. "It is usually the driver and/or the passengers who are harmed when driving drunk"(potsdam). What if that police officer had not have pulled you over? You could have gone off the road, over corrected and went straight into a tree. Forget about your car being mess up, you would be dead. Yet, horrifying this is still not the worst case scenario.
             What if you were not the only person in your car? What if you hit an on-coming car instead of that tree? What if that on-coming car had a family in it with tree little kids? "The risk of collision for high BAC(blood alcohol content) drivers is several hundred times higher than for a non-drinking driver"(potsdam). Even if you survived that crash, you would wish you had not. Killing not only your best friend, but a whole family of innocent people. Putting aside the enormous amount of guilt that is put on you, you would also be charge with vehicle manslaughter!.

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