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Reality Television and the American Public


             In a world where huge broadcasting corporations set the standard for what reality is, how can we be sure what reality really is? Is reality in today's world a big contest to see who is the most attractive, or who can survive on a remote island eating bugs and rats for the longest? If these shows do not portray anything that actually happens in real life, then why are millions of Americans hooked? Not only do these shows misuse the word reality, they also present possible adverse effects to the viewer. Although these shows present possible problems to the viewers, there are also possible solutions that can be used to eradicate these problems. .
             Reality television has become, in the last few years, a very popular trend throughout the American public with numerous shows to choose from on any given night of the week. It is almost impossible to watch television and not at least catch a glimpse of a reality television show. This recent trend of reality television has gotten millions of Americans watching every night of the week, most of the viewers watch multiple shows throughout the week. One problem that reality television presents is that it gives viewers a distorted idea of reality actually is. These shows could inadvertently cause a person to go through their everyday life thinking of it as a contest, which could cause them to try and compete with people they come across instead of having a normal relationship with that individual. Another problem reality television presents is that it could easily make viewers feel insecure about themselves, both physically and mentally. For instance, someone might see that all of the people on these shows have outgoing personalities. What if the person watching doesn't have the most outgoing personality, this could make them feel insecure about themselves causing them to act like someone they are not. Look at the show Are You Hot? which is based totally upon someone's physical appearance, this show sends out the message that your outer looks are a major part of who you are, which is not true at all.

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