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Short Story Analysis


            When O"Brien titled the story "The Things They Carried" was he referring to the physical or mental weight that burdened the soldiers? What is the significance of the things they carried? O"Brien emphasizes the physical weight of the things they carry by describing every item up to the last ounce. He implies that no matter how heavy the physical weight, the mental load we carry is always so much more of a burden than any physical weight could ever be. .
             The story starts out describing Lieutenant Cross's relationship with Martha, a girl back home who he loves, but does not reciprocate his feelings. The story tells about how he carries her letters, and though there are no signs of romantic feelings in the letters Cross projects love and fantasy into them. O"Brien also describes the necessities and personal items the soldiers carry. He uses the personal items to identify and personalize each character. For example, the illustrated New Testament that Kiowa carried, along with his hunting hatchet he received from his grandmother that symbolized his distrust for "the white man". Or the toothbrush, dental floss, and soap that Dave Jensen carried because he practiced field hygiene. Their ponchos, P-38 can openers, pocket knives, and dog tags were things of necessity. Cross's pictures of Martha were personal things they carried were their only remembrance and link to life before war and desolation. The soldiers found themselves fighting without a cause and they felt like they were wandering aimlessly. Their situation seemed very dark and depressing. The soldiers needed something to keep their minds off the present reality. In order to maintain their sanity some carried things to help them to escape their bleak and lonely situation. Such as the tranquilizers and dope Lavender carried that would eventually grant him much more than just a temporary high.
             Throughout the story Cross is obsessed with his fantasy of Martha and he neglects his duties as leader and lieutenant.

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