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Harmony and Pythagora's Numbers


            Nature draws energy into herself - sunshine into leaves,.
             nutrition from the soil into plants, and so on. Even the way.
             fish move through water corresponds to this opposite way.
             of using energy. Schauberger showed that the swiftness of.
             a fish and the ease of this action depends upon yet more.
             spiraling vortices of water, this time tiny ones, created in the.
             wake of each scale on the fish's body. These are what make.
             it possible for a fish to hold its position with little effort, even.
             against the force of a fast-flowing stream. Schauberger put it.
             rather beautifully: 'The fish does not swim in the river,.
             the river swims the fish.' .
             Harmony (Kindle Location 1665).
             The above quote is expressed by the Austrian philosopher, Viktor.
             Schauberger, in Prince Charles's book, Harmony. This expression is more.
             than a metaphor. The river, ocean or lake swims us too. It is an example of.
             our ebb and flow in the current of life, and our oneness with the universe.
             The human body is made of water. We and water are one. Water permeates our.
             pores, and infuses our souls.
             Harmony, A New Way of Looking at the World, is the 2010 authorial.
             effort of The Prince of Wales, written with the assistance of authors Tony.
             Juniper and Ian Skelly. Prince Charles draws the reader into a.
             conversation as he talks to us in the first person. His 326 page book.
             covers an enormous range of varied subjects, from ancient Egypt, to.
             religion, architecture and agriculture.
             The Prince wants to put nature back into our thinking as the foremost.
             consideration for our actions on the planet. He writes that " 'Right.
             action' cannot happen without 'right thinking'." Harmony (Kindle Locations.
             35-36). His book, Harmony, presents a complex and detailed manuscript,.
             and discusses ideas such as our disconcerting mechanistic world-view, the.
             misappropriation of science, our disappearing spirituality, and the ancient.

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