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Good Poetry Explores Iteresting Ideas in Interesting Ways


            Good poetry explores interesting ideas in interesting ways as they captivate the.
             responder by stimulating the responder with thoughts. This is executed with the.
             composer's use of poetic techniques. Frost presents the responder with issues which.
             people face in life such as the choices people make, futility of human isolation, the.
             futility of human endeavour and death, in a way in which the responder can relate too.
             He gives us an insight to human behaviour, metaphorically raising thought provoking.
             ideas by personifying life through inanimate things. Frost's poetry is an excellent.
             example of good poetry as he explores these interesting ideas of humanity through the.
             use of poetic devices of symbolism and imagery.
             The work of Robert Frost raises many thought provoking ideas through the clever.
             use of metaphors. In the poem, "The Road Not Taken," the composer deals with the.
             theme of the choices which people face in life, choices that people face everyday. The.
             opening lines of the poem introduce the elements of the composers primary metaphor.
             and symbol, "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood". The use of the road suggests life.
             as a journey along a path that we must take. The "two roads diverged" symbolize the.
             points in this journey where one must make choices. The enormity of the decision that.
             one makes is emphasized by the last line, "And that has made all the difference." .
             As Frost spent most of his life living in New England, he was able to use nature.
             and convert them into symbols to use in his poem, thus making them completely.
             relevant to our everyday lives and easy to make sense of. The setting constructed by.
             the use of imagery assists in developing the key symbols of the poem. The piece.
             opens with the composer taking a walk in the woods during the autumn season, when.
             he is suddenly confronted with a diverging path. The central image of "two roads.
             diverged" helps to convey the theme of having to make choices in life.

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