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How to Prevent Illness


            It is almost that time of year again. The gift of a stuffy nose, long congested nights waiting for Santa Claus, and the jolly ole sore throats. As the holiday season approaches, so is the season of the common cold. People are so busy shopping, traveling, and celebrating, the most important thing is often forgotten, that is maintaining your immune system. Practicing good hygiene, living a healthy lifestyle, and having a positive attitude will help reduce the chance of getting ill. Although there is no cure for the common cold, there are several steps one can ensure that this season will be carefree and joyous, not dreary and somber. .
             First off the transferring of a virus can happen in seconds, so it is important to practice good hygiene. For example, washing hands frequently, avoid touching entry points of germs such as eyes, nose and mouth, and practicing the proper use of tissues. Refrain from touching objects in public places such as, doorknobs and surfaces. "The most common way these viruses are spread is via hand-to-hand contact. For instance, someone with a cold blows their nose then shakes your hand or touches surfaces that you also touch. " says Dr. Joseph Mercola, an osteopathic physician named the  top Ultimate Wellness Game Changer  by the Huffington Post. It is useful to carry around a bottle of antibacterial wipes or gel if a sink is not available. Alcohol-based hand cleaners are recommended because they are less likely to damage hands, which leave the body more susceptible to infections. In addition, stay away from contact with anyone who is sick and vice versa. If one is feeling under the weather it is favorable for everyone if they stay home. Performing good hygiene will support preventing the transferring and spreading the illnesses.
             Living a healthy lifestyle gives the body the best chance in fighting off a virus. One must take sleep, well-being, and nutrition into account when thinking about preserving the immune system during the flu season.

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