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Policy Opinion - Abortion


            The practice of abortion has been one of the most controversial topics today. The history of abortion dates back hundreds of years. The only difference is that over the years people have gotten better education to provide a more safe procedure. The case that made abortion legal was the Supreme Court Case Roe v. Wade.(CNN Library) This case was when the plaintiff, Norma McCorvey who was known in court as Jane Roe filed against Henry Wade, the district attorney of Dallas County. The Supreme Court decision affirmed the legal right of a woman to have an abortion which opened up doors to one of the biggest killers in the nation. This case is very important and is the base of fifty-three million murders since the 1973 decision. I believe that abortions should be illegal and people that perform them should be given legal consequences. I believe that it is immoral for many reasons. These reasons include both mental and physical problems associated with this awful procedure. .
             Every abortion is either classified as surgical or chemical. Each and every abortion performed is gruesome and very traumatic for both the mother and baby. The farther along a woman is within her pregnancy, the abortion procedure gets worse. The further along in a pregnancy, the baby gets bigger and the process becomes more complicated. These procedures can be so painful to the mother and it has been proven that the fetus can feel the pain from an abortion as well. Since the fetus can feel pain during this, I feel this is why abortion should be illegal. Women are causing pain to their unborn children which is violating Fetal Rights.
             I think that the main problem that accompanies an abortion are the feelings that arise before and after the procedure. The term Post-Abortion Syndrome can be physical, psychological, social, moral, or medical.(Adler) When a women goes through an abortion, she experiences a high stress reaction. My personal experience of having an abortion brings up many negative feelings.

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