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Essay on the Era of Good Feelings


            In the period after the War of 1812, during the so-called "Era of Good Feelings", the United States was with faced many good things, but seemed to be outweighed with bad things such as a failing economy, the beginning of sectionalism, and more issues with foreign policies, therefore the label of the "Era of Good Feelings" does not seem accurate. After the War of 1812, the American economy was still in shambles. Until about 1815, the US had no trade. After the war, American markets were filled with cheap British goods, which did not help the Americans. Henry Clay created the American System to try and help create a more self-sufficient economy, but one part of the country opposed each section of his plan. After the war, there were lots of arguments of intra vs. interstate spending, and what classified each. The biggest hit to the economy was by far the Panic of 1819, which stemmed from the over speculation in Western land. Over speculation occurred and people would have their land foreclosed. Once the banks owned the land, they couldn't pay back their loans to the Bank of the United States, so those banks failed, and people and businesses lost everything. .
             The US also faced the beginning of sectionalism after the war ended. When Henry Clay created his American Plan, a certain region opposed each part. There was still the slavery issue as the North began to focus on industry and the South stuck with agriculture. In 1820, Missouri applied for statehood as a slave state. If it went through, it would tip the balance of slave states and free states. To solve this issue, first was the Tallmadge Amendment, and then the Missouri Compromise. The Missouri Compromise kept the balance of states equal, but there was still much discussion over the morality of slavery.
             The so-called "Era of Good Feelings" also included lots of issues with foreign policy. There was still tension between the US and England, and both sought to control the Great Lakes.

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