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Business Proposition - San Juan Capistrano


             The city of San Juan Capistrano is located in the beautiful county of Orange, California. Approximately 23 miles to the Southeast of Santa Ana, it's on the very outskirts of Orange County. The city is famously built around the San Juan Capistrano Mission. Build in 1776; the mission has always been a popular historical monument that has consistently brought millions of visitors to the city each year. The city surrounding the mission is built to entertain tourism with plenty of shopping centers, hotels and eateries. Even the architecture of the homes and strip malls surrounding the city are built to resemble the Spanish architectural style of the mission (SanJuanCapistrano.com). .
             Median Age.
             The median resident age is 40.20, compared to the California average of 32.1. The increased median age is indicative of an established community that supports a tourism economy. .
             Being that it's an older community, their median household is more than the California average. At $71,783, their median income is dramatically higher than the California average of $58,528. That figure is also more than the 2000 median income of $62,392. The per capita income is $37,090, compared with the California average $29,634. These income figures lead to city having a high standard of living compared to the rest of California (US Census). .
             Racial Make Up.
             The City of San Juan Capistrano is mainly composed of two different races: white and Hispanic. The white population makes up approximately 55.8% of the total population in the city, while Hispanic's make up 38.7%. The next biggest race in the city is Asian, which composes 2.8%. The black and Indian populations come in extremely low at 0.5% each. Many other races, including Hawaiian and American Indian, make up an insignificant amount of the population. Compared to many cities in California that have high median incomes, the City of Capistrano is extremely diverse. Similar cities with household income over $70,000 have populations of that are over 70% white.

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