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Holding Governments Accountable


            John Locke was among the most influential political philosophers of the Enlightenment period. He opposed the absolute authority of the state and the church; he felt that individuals should rely on themselves to make important decisions rather than having decisions imposed on them. An ideal government, according to John Locke, acts to protect its citizens' inalienable rights, specifically those in regard to property ownership. These concepts have founded modern government today, which has lead to the creation of one of the most powerful and important documents in Canada, The Charter of Rights and Freedoms. We in Canada believe that it is very important for the government to be accountable to the citizens and reflect the wills and beliefs of the citizens. The citizens of Canada are fortunate to have such freedom, equality of gender, race, and religion. We are able to voice out our opinions without being afraid of any consequences, and vote for those who we think will best lead the country towards success. The leaders in our country, such as the Mayors, Premiers, and Prime Minister, are held accountable to the citizens. In Canada we are able to remove those who do not represent the ideas or beliefs of the vast majority of citizens. A government that does not represent the will of the people should be removed from power, which is shown historically of people challenging the decisions made by those in power such as the French Revolution, Anti-Apartheid, and the Arab Spring. .
             The French Revolution was an influential period of social and political upheaval in France. The revolution took place from 1789 to 1799 marking the global decline of absolute monarchies and organized religions and replacing them with democracies and republics. The French Revolution was inspired by radical and liberal ideas, and it was time for change for the citizens of France. With the unfair distribution of wealth, the peasants challenged their government through violent protests such as the Storming of the Bastille and the Reign of Terror and were able to gain class equality.

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