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Hobbes and the Natural Laws of Man


            The Natural Laws were gathered in a different way than a national law would be put into place. It is established through reason and an innate human drive to succeed. So Hobbes established the natural laws of man. It is for the preservation of life of man and goes against the evils of man and man destroying himself. Through these laws that should come natural to all of us, we define our path of society to the future where the outlook might look something other than bleek, which was a common view in the time of Hobbes.
             Hobbes' first rule states that ""That every man, ought to endeavour Peace, as farre as he can hope of obtaining it; and when he cannot obtain it, that he may seek, and use, all helps and advantages of War". This law basically demands peace from man, and for those who cannot follow this peace and cause evil and destruction, the man who seeks peace may defend himself in order to defend himself and the peace in which he seeks. In other words, you should try to find peace and pursue it, and don't let the pursuits of other man stop you.
             The second law of nature from Hobbes is that "a man be willing, when others are so too, as far forth, as for peace, and defense of himself he shall think it necessary, to lay down this right to all things; and be contented with so much liberty against other men, as he would allow other men against himself." This basically states that for as long as everybody sustains their rights to do as they please, that all people are a condition of war. It's also stating that you shouldn't look to cease the rights of other men to do as they please. As long as they are not causing harm, the man has a right to pursue it. This has unknowingly turned into the modern age "golden rule", do as to others as you would want done to yourself.
             Hobbes is trying to claim that man has to comprehend the differences of evil and good man. He uses his evil man statements to justify his christianity.

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