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Marijuana for Medical and Recreational Use


            Tell me this doesn't sound familiar, you're playing with a younger sibling, friend, relative, whomever and you respond to them with a reply that their brain isn't quite capable of understanding and immediately, their repetitive "whys?" begin. Each why, searching for a different response each time to one before it. Even at such an early age, we are inclined to be critical thinkers. According to Gerald Nosich, critical thinking is a process in which an individual engages in thought that is reflective, relevant, authentic and reasonable (3-4). I have had the opportunity to stand on both sides of the fence when it comes to should marijuana be legalized. During the earliest stages of youth are when children are going to learn the greatest and share the largest amount of curiosity, similar to that of a critical thinker. Pushing for a deeper explanation and wanting to comprehend in greater detail why the answer is what it is. Subsequently, it has allowed me to further endorse the idea that marijuana should be legal; the decision stems from a set of impediments that I faced as a child until early adulthood: personal experiences, acceptance of authority, fear of social pressure, and the views put together by the news.
             I share the belief that marijuana should be legalized, from the viewpoint of a cannabis connoisseur. At an early age, I grew up in a single parent household with just my mother, occasionally spending weekends and summers with my father. This allowed me to comprehend early on what the two different views were on marijuana. My father, who lived with my grandmother and aunt at the time were all heavy users (i.e. 1 to 2 grams per day) almost daily. My mother on the other hand has been against drug use since, she first explained to me what it was during, my "why" phase. With my mother being the stronger adult figure in my life, it would be years before I ever even considered trying to use marijuana.

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