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Hemingway Hero - Old Man and the Sea


            Santiago's ability to stretch his abilities to great lengths allow him to be a Hemingway hero. The novel frequently mentions the physical pain Santiago suffers due to his old age. His joints, back, and hands ache from constantly holding the fishing line for days on end. He also suffers mentally from the solitude and isolation on his boat; he begins to speak his thoughts aloud. However, he does not lose his integrity or dignity. This pain allows him to fully focus on capturing the fish Santiago knows that he must stay clear headed and knows from the get go that he will kill the fish.Unlike ordinary fishers, Santiago risks his life by following the marlin so far from the coast. This commitment also shows his ability endure great danger, even with the chance of failure. Again, he is mentally strong and sound in his decision that he must kill the fish he loves. The man also displays heroism, obviously, by harpooning the fish. Yet, this heroism extends when he accepts the consequences that come with killing the fish. Santiago realizes that the dead fish will attract ravenous sharks and later on knows that he will not return with the fish in one piece. He does not give up and stabs, clubs, and beats the sharks that swarm his boat. .
             On this journey, Santiago seems to come to terms with life. Although the trip covers several days, Santiago preforms certain rituals along the way to stay strong. He is sure to eat enough raw fish to maintain his strength and well being. At his age, he is concerned for the state of his body and strives to stay well. He also says prayers in desperation, though he is not a religious man. Even before the journey, he is a man of strong values and seems to know his place, but understanding how life feeds into life strengthens Santiago as a hero. Although Santiago remarks that he is not religious, his character in Old Man and the Sea bears several distinct allusions to Christ.

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