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ADD/ADHD - Overly Diagnosed


             Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is equivalent to a neurodevelopment disorder. Until recently, the disease was perceived to be associated with children only, and current discoveries disapprove of this fact (Alfano & Beidel, 2014). More precisely, many follow-up studies linked to children with ADHD indicate that the disorder often progresses into adulthood. ADHD systems consolidate inattention, impulsivity, disorganization, forgetfulness, and restlessness. Thus, this culminates to significant impairments in children across several platforms, and the effect on their education, interpersonal relationships, and their health related life may be catastrophic (Bunte et al., 2014). .
             The impetus for this research paper relates to the overdiagnosis of children with ADHD. More precisely, the research paper advocates that ADHD in children is overly diagnosed. Many children with ADHD are unrecognized and undiagnosed, and they end up progressing with this condition into adulthood. However, ADHD in children is over-diagnosed. For instance, the prevalence rate in the US is approximately 3 to 5 percent but up to 15 percent of children in America are diagnosed with ADHD (Greener, 2014). Thus, this attests to the fact that ADHD in children is overly diagnosed, and the research paper aims to prove this point in a categorical manner.
             ADHD in Children is Overly Diagnosed.
             Before executing an ADHD diagnosis in children who exhibit inattentiveness and impulsiveness or in children with some of form of hyperactivity, it is necessary for all physicians to eliminate all other possible scenarios. Many disorders have similar attributes to ADHD. It is crucial for physicians to refrain from diagnosing ADHD in children without scrutinizing the possibility of these respective children having these other disorders (Knouse & Mitchell, 2015). Disorders that are almost similar to ADHD include obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, and absence seizure disorder.

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