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Consumer and Market Segmentation


            Market segmentation is a critical phase in recognizing market wants. This consists of dividing big markets into fragments that can be obtained more efficiently. There are several ways to divide markets, they include: "Geographic segmentation, demographic segmentation, psychographic segmentation, and behavioral segmentation. Geographic segmentation comprises of dividing the market in a different variable that includes regions, the size of the municipal area, the number of residents, weather patterns, etc. Demographic segmentation is made up of sectioning the market comparable to a person's age, life-cycle stage, sexual characteristics, earnings, employment status, edification, religious conviction, background, and generation. Psychographic segmentation is made up of a person's activities, thoughts/views, attitudes, moral beliefs, etc. Behavioral segmentation includes the separation of occasions, benefits, user status, usage rate, and loyalty status" [ CITATION Mar10 l 1033 ].
             In order to get a more suitable understanding of these models, I will use Nike as a case in point. Nike partakes in the clothing attire market, explicitly sporting apparel. So far, contained in this market are a variety of people that favor and take part in different sports. In order to entice each person, Nike must section its market into separate, distinct sports. With this being understood, Nike does such an outstanding job of recognizing persons who participate in various sports by advertising its merchandise in accordance to the sport that particular person is involved in [ CITATION Robnd l 1033 ]. .
             Nike uses geographic segmentation to advertise to states, provinces, municipalities, and inhabitants differently. For instance, now in the United States, American football is one of the major sports. As a result, Nike produces and uses countless commercials and promotion campaigns about football equipment utilizing football team members.

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