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             In schools around the country there are kids who are involved in sports, but lack the amount of fluids your body needs to function properly. The reason why this happens is due to dehydration. People in sports get pushed so hard and hardly ever get the chance to run to the water fountain to get a drink of water. Dehydration causes people to faint, vomit, and produces a fever because of the lack of fluids in their body.
             A misconception people have these days, is they think they can substitute water with soda. Soda does have water in it, but the sodium in soda absorbs liquid and makes you thirstier. The human body is made up of 50% to 70% water (http://health.discovery.com/encyclopedias). It sounds better to give your body what it already has, instead of fluids it doesn't need. A good way to prevent dehydration is to drink eight glasses of fluid a day (http://health.discovery.com/diseasesandcond/encyclopedia). .
             Water can help fight other symptoms of dehydration as well. Have you ever had a headache that wouldn't go away? Most of the time people have headaches, is because they don't have enough water in their system, to keep their brain hydrated. A few glasses of water can make your headache go away (Sam Lopez). This seems to work for me, whenever I have a headache. .
             Another cause of dehydration can occur if you experience a period of vomiting or diarrhea (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000982.htm). Since you loose so many liquids when you are vomiting, your stomach doesn't feel like eating or drinking so you remain in a state of dehydration. When you have diarrhea, all you are doing is pooping out your fluids mixed with feces. When a person usually has diarrhea, they usually have it throughout the day, so your body ends up in a state of dehydration as well. .
             There are many symptoms when it comes to dehydration. The first sign is a dry mouth or tongue. This can be because you haven't had a drink in a long time or if you are exercising for a long period of time and your mouths begins to taste like salt.

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