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             Forcible Rape in the United States.
             Rape in the United States today is considered to be one of the worst crimes you.
             can commit on a person, next to taking their life. Rapes in the first six months of 2002.
             was up by 1.8 percent as compared to January through June of 2001. Per 100,000 people.
             in the United States there were 32 reported rape cases. In Colorado the number was even.
             higher there were 41.2 reported rape cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Rape is a very serious.
             problem in our society and needs to be treated as so.
             When a person commits rape everything they do is basically violating a social.
             norm. Society looks down on someone assaulting or forcing someone to do something.
             that they do not want to. It also violates many peoples views of pre marital sex. Rape is.
             just considered completely wrong in societies eyes.
             Since most people feel so strongly that rape is a terrible crime people who commit.
             this act are usually considered monsters. Even in the prison system men are often put in.
             separate cells because of threats from other prisoners because they raped someone. The.
             outlook on this crime also changes depending on who you raped. If a grown adult decides.
             to rape and force themselves on a child they will never be accepted back into society as a.
             normal person. They have to register themselves as sex offenders and can only live in.
             certain parts of the United States. They will constantly be jeered and possibly even.
             assaulted because of how strongly society is against this issue.
             Rape has always been considered a crime in US history, but it was handled much.
             different that it is today. Many women back then if raped would consider it their own.
             fault or just not feel that they needed to report it. So you did not hear as much about rape. .
             Also if a wife was raped by someone and she told her husband they didn't report it the.
             husband would just go and take care of the rapist by himself. .
             Up until 1977 many states would use the death penalty as a punishment for rape.

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