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The Sky is Gray


             "The Sky is Gray" by Ernest Gaines, tells a story of a mother, her son, and their trip to get one of his teeth pulled. It takes the reader through their journey from their home, to the town and the dentist's office, then to get a meal and meet a shop owner couple.
             Racism is the most major idea discussed in this story. When James and Mama board the bus there are signs directing the "white" and "colored" people where to sit. Another example is when the younger and older black men are arguing about whether things should be questioned. It shows that the older man is content to live with the racism he has had to deal with all his life, whereas the younger black man wants to challenge those that suppress him.
             James is protrayed as older int he film than as in the text. He appears to be about twelve years old instead of eight. He is still young and somewhat naive to the ways of the world though. Octavia is still as hard nosed in the film as she is in the text. She is a woman who knows what is best for her and her child and she will not accept less. She has a sense of diginity evidenced in that whe will not take the extra salt meat offered by the shopkeeper.
             The film is enlightening. It shows how people of different backgrounds view race. The difference in the text from the film is when James and his mother board the bus and the signs directing the "white" and "colored" people where to sit are not shown. The remainder of the story is congruent in both the text and the film.
             The scene of the two men arguing in the dentist's office is major. It shows how one man is complacent to live his life the way he always has and not deal with the issues that surround him. The other shows that he does not believe he should have to accepts the abuses of others just because he is black or for any other reason. The lighting in htis film was too bright. The setting is cold and wintry with an overcast sky.

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