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Yoga final


             Day 1: Today would be my first day of my five consecutive days of yoga practice. To start off I did 5 Asanas in the following order; 1. Baddha Konasana (seated position with feet close to pelvic section and knees on the ground) 2. Upavistha Kenasana (seated position with legs spread wide and hands locked onto toes) 3. Paripurna Navasana (balancing on your rear, with legs extended in the air while arms hold behind the knees) 4. Purvottanasana (back facing towards the ground with legs extended out straigt and arms extended perpendicular to the floor) 5. Dhanurasana (lying on stomach with legs bent toward the head and hands grabbing ankels).
             The pranayama I did today was Villoma (three part suspended breath).
             The meditation I did was Mantra.
             Before I started my yoga practice today I was pretty tired because it was in the morning. I"m not really much of a morning person and my body was not warmed up at all. I was thinking that I want to go back to sleep. After the first couple Asanas I could feel my body beginning to warm up a bit. I began feeling more awake and not as tired as I was before, and by the time I was doing my meditation I was feeling pretty good. After completing my practice I felt more ready to begin my day. My blood was flowing now I felt better when I left to go to class then I usually do. .
             Day 2: On day two I did the following Asanas in order; 1. Uttanasana (standing forward bend with head facing up and hands touching feet) 2. Virabhadrasana 1 (warrior one) 3. Virabhadrasana 2 (warrior 2) 4. Utthita Parsvakonasana (lunging position with left arm and leg in a straight line and right leg at a right angle with the floor) 5. Ardha Chandrasana (right leg on floor and left leg extended forming a right angle and right hand on the floor).
             The pranayama I did today was Nadi Shodhana (Alternate nostril breathing).
             No meditation today.
             Today before we started class I was mentally feeling tired, but physically I was more warmed up then when I did yoga yesterday.

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