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The 4 Paths of Hindusim

             Introduction: In this essay I will investigate the paths that a spiritual athlete has to follow to "win a gold medal" and what are exactly the four paths of Hinduism. So my question is: What are the paths that an athlete can follow to concretize his aim?.
             The four paths of Hinduism are Blakh, karma, Jhana, and Yoga. .
             Blakh is a devotion to a personal God; it is the path of the Baghavad Gita. Karma is action; this means that every action of this life affects the next one. The third path is Jhana, it is the Knowledge and the understanding and finally the fourth path is Yoga, which represents self-control and meditation. .
             Like everything in life, these four paths have advantages and disadvantages. I am now going to introduce the advantages of these paths. In the path of Blakh, the advantages are that we are very close to god and therefore we have something to hold onto, and that it gives each part a focus in life. For the path pf karma, the positive aspects are that we can explain the pain and the suffering and that you can find a cause to everything that happens to you. With regard to the path of Jhana, you realize that material things are not important, it gives a deeper understanding of life, and you go beyond the superficial. Finally, for the path of Yoga, you learn how to meditate and to self-control yourself, that means that you can face any difficult situation without losing your coolness. .
             In the other side, these four paths also have disadvantages. For example for the path of Black, since you are very close to God you cannot sea the real world and you are isolated. For the path of karma, because you have many expectations of your next life you are disappointed by the fact that there is nothing left to discover in the outer world. The disadvantages for the path of Jhana are that it is a very difficult path to follow and therefore you need a teacher (a guru), and it demands commitment.

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