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Cold war foreign policy


            ?With the conclusion of World War II, fear over the spread of Communism brought forth.
             The Soviet Union had control of much of Eastern Europe including.
             Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Poland. In order to protect themselves.
             from future attacks, Stalin installed friendly Communist governments in those nations. The United.
             States wanted those nations to determine their own type of government by having free elections. In.
             early 1946 Stalin made a speech saying that Communism and Capitalism are incompatible and war.
             was inevitable. With the new threat of war, a policy of containment was formed to create alliances.
             and support weaker countries in an effort to contain Communism. In 1947 Harry Truman instituted.
             The Truman Doctrine to deal with subduing the spread of Communism. The doctrine was the policy.
             of providing economic and military aid to free nations threatened by internal or external opponents. .
             The Truman Doctrine was first employed in Turkey and Greece where Soviets were trying to gain.
             control and turn the countries into Communist nations. In order to prevent a Communist takeover,.
             Truman sent over 400 million dollars to anti-Communist forces. In order to help Western Europe.
             recover, the Marshall Plan was approved which gave food and economic aid to those countries that.
             suffered much damage from the war. By 1952, the Marshall Plan had succeeded and many Western.
             European nations flourished both economically and politically. In response to fear of Soviet.
             aggression, the Western European nations joined the US and Canada to form the North Atlantic.
             Treaty Organization (NATO). NATO was formed under the principle that an attack on one nation.
             was an attack on all.
             In Korea, after World War II, two nations formed. North Korea was Communist and South.
             Korea was not. In 1950, North Korea attacked South Korea in an effort to reunite Korea into a.
             Communist nation. The US did not want another country to fall to Communism.

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