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Romeo and juliet


             At one point in our lives we feel alone and depressed. The difference is the way in which people handle these feelings, teens especially. Depression amongst adolescents can lead to a series of consequences. For example, in Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, we see how two teens dealt with being separated from each other. They chose death since their families prohibited them from being together.
             Why do teens commit suicide? There are many answers to this question. Teens go through many stages in their lives that they don't understand stages that make them confused. These feelings of disappointment and depression can be the distinction between life and death. "As many as 12-25 percent of older children and adolescents experience some form of thoughts about suicide at one time or another". (UUHSC). .
             As adolescents go through this time period they show signs that people can detect. They know that they need help but they don't want to be straight forward about it. They choose to show how they are feeling by changing their habits from the norm. For instance, if they change their eating habits, they don't do the activities that they were supposed to, they feel bored and they neglect their personal appearance. All these are symbols of what the adolescent is going through.
             Personally, I think that teens are more vulnerable to what others say and do. They are easily influenced. If someone tells a girl for example, you look fat, she right away becomes defensive and her self-esteem drops instantly. Having a low self-esteem can make any person, guy or girl, depressed. They feel bad and begin to do things to lose weight, so that they can please others and so no one would call them fat again.
             Being in love can make anyone lose their mind. The fact that you have such strong feelings for another person can be very intense. Romeo and Juliet fell right into love from the first moment that they saw each other, not knowing the problems that this would bring later on.

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