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Implications of CyberCrime


            Implications of Cyber Crime, Cyber Terrorism, and Cyber Warfare.
             Each day, there is an increase in the number of threats against our nation's critical infrastructures. These threats come in the form of computer hacking, denial of service attacks, and virus deployment. .
             Cyber warfare raises issues of growing national interest and concern. Cyber warfare can be used to describe various aspects of defending and attacking information and computer networks in cyberspace, as well as denying an adversary's ability to do the same. Some major problems encountered with cyber attacks, in particular, are the difficulty in determining the origin and nature of the attack and in assessing the damage incurred.
             Cyber terrorism is also an issue of growing national interest. Many believe terrorists plan to disrupt the Internet or critical infrastructures such as transportation, communications, or banking and finance. It does seem clear that terrorists use the Internet to conduct the business of terrorism, however, it is not clear how or whether terrorists could use violence through the Internet to achieve political objectives. There appears to be reasonable evidence available that terrorist organizations use cyberspace to conduct the business of terrorism. Terrorists use the Internet and the World Wide Web to communicate with each other, recruit members, gather intelligence, raise money legally and illegally, organize and coordinate activities, obtain illegal passports and visas, and distribute propaganda. For instance:.
             Some Afghan-based terrorists, such as Osama bin-Laden, reportedly have computers, communications equipment, and large data storage disks for their operations.
             Hamas, a Middle Eastern terrorist organization, reportedly uses Internet chat rooms and e-mail to plan and coordinate operations in Gaza, the West Bank, and Lebanon.
             Hizballah, another Middle Eastern group, manages several Internet Web sites for propaganda purposes to describe attacks against Israel.

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