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Murphy's Second Law


            Murphy's Second Law, "If things appear to be going better, you have overlooked something" is my law of life. Because it happens to people we just never realize it. I often see this in cartoons when the cartoon is having a great day, and a rain cloud pops over his head and starts pouring down rain. It's always pretty funny at the moment and was like it stinks for them, and never realizes it happens to us too.
             Murphy's second law has happened to me many times. I can remember when I was younger me and my family went to this place in Florida called Jungle Gardens many times, here they had lots of different exotic animals, parrots that did the bicycle tricks, petting zoos, playgrounds and of course concession stands. Well it was one of those days I woke up very excited and could not wait to go. I thought it was going to be an awesome day. But when I woke up I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, it felt as if one of those rain clouds had just popped over my head. I did not pay any attention to it and went about my normal morning business. I got out of bed and took a shower hoping that would make my stomach feel better but it did not do anything. I went to the kitchen ate some breakfast thinking my stomach might be empty but that really did not do any thing either so I just gave up and thought that the pain will go away over time because it was not that bad I could forget about it. So I finished my morning routine, fed the dog and got ready to go.
             It was time to go so we picked up my friend and headed for Jungle Gardens. We were all really excited until I started feeling nauseous. I did not say anything, I was trying to hold it in when I finally told my mom I wasn't feeling good so she pulled over but she was not quick enough and I vomited in the car. Everyone was grossed out. When I was done and my mom cleaned the car we all got back in. My mom wanted to go back home but I told my mom no its ok lets go I will be fine.

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