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Lack of Third Party Success


             There seems to be more new political parties with each passing election. Some people argue that these new parties offer people tired of bipartisan politics as usual a fresh choice. Though any of these parties seldom win elections the argument is made that they play an important role in giving a voice to voters tired of republican and democratic .
             Dogma. The argument is made that by voting for a third party candidate a person can make a protest vote of sorts. .
             However, I do not think that a protest vote is a good reason to vote for a candidate. First, third party candidates more often times then not serve only in the role of spoiler. This is especially true in close elections. When a third party candidate serves in the role of spoiler they can disenfranchise the majority of the voters for a certain candidate. Thereby overriding the true will of the people. I feel this violates basic fundamental principles of democracy. Second, I believe new election laws are needed. I believe third party candidates should have to meet new rigid criteria to run in a general election. This would ensure that the third party candidate would have a reasonable expectation of victory. This would eliminate the role of spoiler. Finally, I believe with new election guidelines concerning third parties that the voters can be given a fresh choice as well as guaranteeing a fair election. .
             There are many newly formed political third parties. These parties include, the Reform Party, the Green Party, the Libertarian Party, the Natural Law Party, and the US Taxpayers Party. The Reform party is one of the more widely known of these. Ross Perot founded the Reform Party several years ago. This party created a lot of buzz about third .
             party politics. And when Ross Perot ran for President under his newly founded party's banner many people did vote for him as an alternative to the Democratic and Republican .
             Party candidates. Many feel that this caused the republican candidate Bob Dole to loose the election the democratic candidate Bill Clinton.

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