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7 day ministry of christ


             Day 1-John the Baptist was questioned about his authority. Religious leaders were asking John the Baptist to identify himself. John replied, "I am not the Christ" (John 1:20). The Jews then later asked, "Are you Elijah?" The Jews believed that Elijah would come before the Messiah (Malachi 4:5), but they understood this to be a resurrected or reincarnated Elijah. An angel has promised John's father that John would be the forerunner of Christ and would have the spirit of Elijah (Luke 1:17). Christ also asserted that John was the Elijah of the prophecy (Matt 11:14; 17:12; Mark 9:11-13). John denied that he was the Elijah that the Jews had expected. Then the Jews asked if John the Baptist was a prophet which was found on the promise in Deuteronomy 18:15 that the Lord God would raise up a prophet. John denied this claim by the Jews also. He finally said that he was the voice (John 1:23). The Pharisees questioned John was mainly because they were concerned about his authority and ritual of baptism.
             Day 2-John the Baptist identify that Jesus is the messiah. He introduced Jesus as "the lamb of God" (John 1:29). Jesus was baptized and a dove descended upon him as a sign to John the Baptist and to the nation Israel that he was the messiah.
             Day 3- After Jesus was baptized, he passed by John the Baptist when John proclaimed that Jesus was the messiah to 2 of his disciples. One disciple we know is Andrew; the second one is most likely John, the author of the gospel. Later on Andrew went and found his brother Simon and told him that he has found the messiah. Simon followed Andrew and joined Jesus. Jesus later changed his named to "Cephas," which meant "rock.".
             Day 4- Jesus left the Judea and went on to Galilee. The first person that Jesus met was Philip, whom he called to join him in his ministry. Philip later went on to tell his friend Nathanael about Jesus. At first Nathanael was a bit prejudiced that anyone can come out of the town Nazareth (v.

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