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Raisin in the sun


            Dreams are What Makes the World go Round.
             How many of you have dreams to become something or to do something that you will be remembered by in the future? Well many of us will admit that we have dreams and yet we may not accomplish them all but we sure do try hard with everything that he got. Well in the play A Raisin in the Sun by Langston Hughes, several of then characters has dreams that they are aspiring to one day achieve. Everyone needs to have something like a dream or a goal to keep themselves pursuing something in their life. We all strive for something to keep our life's interesting and motivating. Some individuals dream may be to complete high school because no one in their family has ever done that before, while anther one could be to graduate from Medical school. For example, one of my very own dreams is to get married to the man of my dreams and to buy a house. Well I have already done both of those things at the age of nineteen but that doesn't mean that I am going to stop there, I just create more dreams for me to accomplish such as graduating from college with a degree in teaching. The characters in this play are very drawn to their dreams and they are very willing to accomplish them. How important are dreams and goals to you? If these dreams are put off to long what happens to them? Are the forgotten about or do they shrivel up "like a raisin in the sun?".
             Beneatha is one of the man character's in this play. She is the daughter of MaMa and the sister to Walter. She is also a very attractive college student who is dating two guys at the .
             moment. These two men who she seeing are both very different from each other. Asagai is her Nigerian boyfriend that seems to make her the happiest when she is with him. Her other boyfriend, George(African-American), seems to make her the most depressed and angry when she is with him. She identifies much more with Asagai's interest in rediscovering his African roots than with George's interest in white culture.

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