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The Worldview


            The worldview is a set of beliefs about the most important issues in life.
             Christians are called to be peacemaker. They must allow themselves to be placed by God .
             In situation characterized by conflict. To Nash, he is a conceptual scheme by which we .
             consciously or unconsciously place. People who hold opposing worldview are bound to .
             be characterized by conflict. By receiving incorrect data we will be bound to draw .
             incorrect conclusions from the data God has designed nature to behave in a predictable .
             way. He communicates with his creation, that people can trust their senses. When finding .
             The definition of conflict is a striking or dashing against each other a struggling with .
             Difficulties, striving to oppose. Through conflict it usually bring out the peace of the .
             world. A Christians are called to be both reconciled and reconiler,"We are therefore Christ .
             Ambassadors as through God were making his appeal through us."(2 Corinthians 5:18-.
             20). Christian should be motivated to engage in a resolve conflict out of obedience to .
             God and truth to bring about change. The should engage in conflict because it is right .
             thing to do in a certain circumstance. All conflict will become resolved of not .
             Temporally, then at the close of the ages. They should engage in the battle of ideas, .
             conflict that their turbulent experience is not meaningless, and that is the means God .
             Has chosen by which to conform people to his order and his Son.
             What I feel and think is that the worldview that in my own mind is that Christ is .
             our salvation and without him we are doom in our worldviews. If Christ didn't die for our .
             sin or my sin I think we wouldn't have a worldview view to think about. God let us .
             think and feel what we want but the bible tell us how live, what to live and where we .
             should go for answer about life and the worldview today.

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