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Romeo and Juliet


            In the drama script "Romeo and Juliet", by William Shakespeare one of the main themes shown throughout the play is conflict. The central conflict is the ancient feud between the houses of Montague and Capulet. .
             The first mention of conflict is in the prologue. "Two households, both alike kin dignity, In fair Verona where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny". There does not appear to be a reason for the grudge yet many people die as a result.
             Members of each family seem to be governed by a macho code of honor that requires them to hate, insult and fight each other. Even the household staff becomes caught up in the rivalry. In the opening scene of the play, Gregory says to Sampson "Draw they tool, here comes of the house of Montague". The hatred felt between the two houses is also shown through Juliet's cousin, Tybalt. "As I hate hell, all Montague's and thee"". .
             In this drama script, there are no ambivalent emotions, just love and hate which are two extreme emotions. Extreme emotions demand a response, and the responses given creates all the drama.
             Mercutio, a friend of Romeo was killed by Juliet's cousin during a fight, Mercutio's anger was felt when he said "A plague o"both your houses, they have made worms meat of me; I have it and soundly too. Your houses!". Romeo's anger toward Tybalt gets so powerful that Romeo himself kills Tybalt. From love and hate comes anger. .
             Romeo and Juliet's love for each other became so strong, that they decided to get married, although their families hated each other. Friar Laurence says to Romeo "For this alliance may so happy prove, to turn your households" rancour to pure love." But the bitter irony is that instead of the love bringing the households together and uniting them, it infact made the hatred stronger.
             The conflict between the two households was only resolved after the death of Romeo and Juliet. When the two lovers are found lying dead next to each other, Capulet says to Montague "O brother Montague, give me they hand".

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