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             My life was much simple, less time consuming before I had a child. My life has changed in many ways, especially with daily life activities. I knew having a child would change a lot of things in my life, but I didn't know how much time consuming it could be with everyday life. On the other hand, having a child has made me grow-up more, and I am making very good decisions in my life. .
             Before I had a child, I would wake-up an hour early, to take a shower, have breakfast, and then leave for work. I didn't have to get a child ready for day care and pick him up later. I also used to get enough sleep, and watch the news. Now that I am a mother, I have to wake up two and a half hours early. I have to take a shower, get dressed, and I hardly get to eat anything before leaving. I have to wake my son up, give him a bath, dress him up, warm the car, put the car seat in the car properly, give him something to eat, on his coat, put him in the car-seat, take him to the day car center, and then leave for work. After work, I have to go straight to the day care and pick up my son before coming home. Now that I am a mother, I don't get enough sleep or get to watch the news as much.
             When I didn't have a child, I used to spend a lot of money on unnecessary stuff. I didn't save much money. I didn't have life insurance, and never kept a single emergency phone number written down, stored in my phone or in my organizer. As a mother, knowing how important it is to have all of this available, I have made some good decisions now that I have a child. As at now, I have much money saved up, and when I am spending money, most of that money is spent on my son. I am also able to pay towards his college education fund as at now. I have life insurance, incase, I am not around in the future. Most importantly, I have emergency phone numbers written out, stored in my phone, and in my organizer. I am very proud about all these things I am able to do for my child.

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