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             proponents it has not been accepted as the mature.
             successor to the Reform Model of the Sixties.
             dealing with the contradictions that exist within them; this also restricts them.
             from achieving their newfound goals. The Police being a paramilitary.
             organization, it is difficult to encourage flexibility and creativity (that.
             strict supervision stifles), and still insure that the incorrupt image is.
             The reactive instinct of the Police will also have to be curtailed, the so.
             called "tyranny of 911" has to be controlled and although some reactive or.
             emergency services will be necessary they have to escape the tyranny of the 911.
             services in favor of reliance to the community and the new model along with.
             mutual trust.@ (Sparrow chapter 4) It will take some time for the movement from.
             "just the fact=s ma'am" to a more caring police officer who is a social worker,.
             councilor and law enforcer.
             A first step in C.B.P. is a plan of action or a statement of beliefs and goals.
             that will provide direction and make values become actions and behaviors. C.B.P.
             is only a philosophy or a statement of value, nuts and bolts are worked out.
             later by setting goals and objectives unique for each community, aiming to.
             achieve your value statement. The change in values that is in the heart of C.B.P.
             must be pursued in order to achieve success, because once the first excitement.
             goes, and the first difficulties arise, the statements of value that have been.
             adopted will be the guiding light that will provide the solutions.
             In order for C.B.P. to be evaluated and its success determined two things need.
             to be done, first day to day work evaluations need to change and adapt to c.b.p.
             goals, second c.b.p. should be accepted and a commitment to increase man power.
             if necessary should be made.
             There is a distinct difference between C.B.P. and other models of policing and.
             that is the way we can measure success, "measures such as crime rates, arrest.

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