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             The story "Love Letters" is written by Patricia Zelver. It is a fiction based story about a mother with a lost self image and a daughter searching for her identity. The central idea of the story involves finding oneself and the recognizing of individuality. .
             Finding oneself may be difficult as a teenager, as it is for Rebecca. Throughout the story the daughter Rebecca is searching for her identity. Rebecca changes her name to Maxine in the middle of the story. Her mother asks her, "Could it be that you are having an identification problem"? Emily thinks to herself, " It would not do to reveal the fact that I am suffering from the same malaise". Emily refers to the identification problem as an inherited disease. She feels as though she has to escape to get away from Rebecca's miserable lifestyle. Rebecca is waiting for opportunities to come to her, rather than getting out in the world to find herself. During this time, Emily has lost her self image because her daughter has broken her self esteem down. .
             Rebecca's miserable attitude stays the same throughout the story; she is considered a static character. Her nonchalant attitude upsets everyone around as she sits and pays no attention to anything in sight. She is also a round character; Zelver describes her to be lazy and incompetent. She interrogates her mother about her physical appearance and self image. Emily, her mother, on the other hand, is a round dynamic character. Emily has lost her self image due to Rebecca's comments and put downs. Emily blames herself and feels at fault for her children's lifestyles. She is dynamic because her low self-esteem attitude, but she recognizes herself and changes towards the end. She .
             gets worked up and tells Rebecca to find her own love letters. Emily finally grasps a hold of herself and realizes that Rebecca needs to find her own identity. .
             In conclusion, Rebecca and her mother both had identity problems in the story.

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