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The Roman Army


             The Roman army in 300 to 100 BC was an innovative and powerful force that stands out in history. They were very advanced for their time and are considered by some to be the strongest military ever created. The army had two purposes, first to fight wars of conquest and satisfy the emperors" desires. Second, to suppress the unrest in outlying provinces. They were highly effective for a number of reasons; size, organization, tactics are what the Roman army relied. The Roman army was very victorious in its time because of its soldiers. The Roman army was very strict, and was highly trained in warfare, discipline, and engineering. The Roman army calls their soldier "legionaries". .
             The Roman army was very victorious in its time because of its soldiers. The Roman army was very strict, and was highly trained in warfare, discipline, and engineering. The Roman army calls their soldier "legionaries". The soldiers were separated into four different classes. The triarii were the more experienced soldiers. They were rarely used in battle except when they were needed. They wore full Armour and carried a shield and a long spear. The principles were well armored and carried a heavy javelin, and a Shield. The hastati wore the same Armour, and carried a light and heavy javelin. The velites were armed with a small shield and a few light javelins. Every soldier in the Roman army carried a sword and a dagger. The Roman army put their soldiers through basic training. They did running exercises, obstacle courses while wearing all their Armour and weapons, and marched eighteen miles three times a month. On these marches the soldiers had to carry all their equipment. This would be very hard on the solders considering the weight of the Armour. They drilled in flanking and column movements used in battles and ceremonies. .
             The Roman army was very strict about being perfect in drilling. But they really train more with the use of their weapons.

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