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            There is no single reason why Macbeth chose the path of deceit and tyranny. Most Importantly the three witches and their predictions of good forture for Macbeth. Macbeth's greed for power, gullibility, and his volting ambition eventually lead him into believing the half truths. Lady Macbeth's power over her husband in the beginning of the play pushed him into making his first mistake, the involvement in the murder of King Duncan. Macbeth's own paranoid thoughts forces him to commit murder again.
             Shakespear's grim tragedy in motion when the three witches tell Macbeth of his future and his good fortune. "king hereafter" shows that Macbeth will become king. When Macbeth hears his prophecy, he enters a daze because three complete strangers . .
             Although circumstances aided Macbeth to his ultimate end, Macbeth's ease of believability, pure ambition and greed for power added to his death. When Macbeth met the Witch's, he was told he would become Thane of Cawdor, but when he was told he would arise to King, Macbeth distinctly enters a daze. Macbeth does this because strangers of the supernatural have revealed his deepest desire and ambition in life. Banquo notices Macbeth's behavior and questions why he is acting in such a manner towards the Witchs' prediction. Macbeth leaves his daze and rejoins Banquo in reality, and for a brief amount of time thinks of murdering King Duncan to make his prediction reality, but pushes it aside because the chances of becoming King are as slim as becoming Thane of Cawdor. When Macbeth hears the news that he has been given the title "Thane of Cawdor," he realizes the Witchs' prediction has come true, and thinks becoming King is now within his reach, but instead of killing Duncan decides to wait for fate to crown him king. After King Duncan makes Macbeth Thane of Cawdor, he announces the next heir to the thrown, Malcolm. Macbeth's dream is then shattered because there is no chance for him to become King if Malcolm is the next heir, and decides he either has to fall over the problem or leap over it.

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