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Earth Worms


             Functions Of Internal and External Parts.
             Earthworms have mouths; they can even open them wide enough to fit leaves and other good things. But they don't have teeth! Here is what happens to their lunch.
             Pharynx: they push their pharynx or throat out of their mouths to grab leaves and to pull them back into their mouths. Then they get them wet with their .
             Saliva. .
             Esophagus: Once they have their food good and wet, they push it down their .
             Esophagus, then onto their crop. .
             Crop: their crop is a storage compartment for their food and other things they.
             Swallow. From the crop, their lunch goppes to their gizzard. .
             Gizzard: the gizzard is where the work happens. They use any stones that they have swallowed and the strong muscles of their gizzard to grind up the leaves. These muscles work almost like teeth. .
             Intestine: Once they have the leaves all ground up they move to the intestine where the digestive juices break them down even more. .
             Bloodstream: Now that the leaf is all digested, some of it will pass into the.
             bloodstream. .
             Anus: Whatever is leftover comes out their anus as castings or worm poop.
             Habitat Of An Earthworm.
             It may surprise you to know that earthworms are not originally from this country. Scientists believe the worms probably were brought here from Europe by settlers. Most likely "they came with the settlers in ship ballast, seed stock, potted plants and who knows what else" says Linda a researcher who specializes in earthworms. Worms are located in different parts of the country. The largest earthworms live in South Africa and Australia.
             There are over 3,000 kinds of worms.2,700 different kinds of earthworms to be exact. Most worms have soft bodies. Worms have five pairs of hearts. These invertebrates range in color from brown to red and from two inches to twenty-two feet in length. The earthworm's habitat is the earth. Worms live in soil in which they get all they need to live.

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