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             William Shakespeare through one of his most well known plays.
             portrays a tragic downfall of a king through his ambition and human.
             weakness. Shakespeare develops the play Macbeth by showing the changes in.
             the protagonist and the effects others have on him.
             Shakspeare's use of detail helps to show the changes in Macbeth.
             through a gradual process. Before actually completing his horrendous act.
             of killing the much loved King Duncan, Macbeth suffers mental conflict.
             "having no spurs to prick the side of my intent" between the "vaulting.
             ambition which leaps over itself and falls on the other" and the "deep.
             damnation of his (Duncan's) taking off." At this point in time, scene 7 of.
             the first act, Macbeth exposes sensitivity and knowledge of what he may do.
             is wrong. Possibly the one time when the reader can relate to Macbeth the.
             best, it is seen that he is very hesitant of his action, but what over.
             takes him is the human flaw of ambition. As time progresses and.
             Shakespeare shows Macbeth's initial "fear" of Banquo; but as his mind.
             becomes engulfed in the his best friends murder he label's him as "your.
             enemy" and making sure that he is left "no rubs nor botches in the work".
             Macbeth is obviously afraid of experiencing the same emotional trauma of.
             his first murder. Although he think he is solving his problems, his.
             damnation is ever progressing by making being indirectly involved in the.
             murder of his one time best friend and father of a line of kings. The.
             reader sees how ones desire for self - power can destroy himself completely.
             Shakespeare's diction through other characters in the play also.
             help to portray Macbeth's break down. In the beginning, when Macbeth still.
             depicts his sensitivity and morality, Lady's Macbeth almost forces Macbeth.
             to do the deed calling him a "coward in thine own esteem", mocking him.
             saying, "you durst do it then you were a man," and comparing him to "a baby.
             that milks me.

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