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The Five Stages of the Consumption Cycle


             - When the buyer recognizes a problem or need.
             - An aroused consumer will be inclined to search for more information.
             - Heightened Attention - person is simply more receptive to information about the product.
             - Active Information Search - person will seek out reading material, phone friends, and visit stores to learn more about the product. .
             Evaluation of Alternatives:.
             - 3 basic concepts that help us understand consumer evaluation process.
             - Consumer is trying to satisfy a need.
             - Consumer is looking for certain benefits from the product solution.
             - Consumer sees each product as a bundle of attributes with varying abilities for delivering the benefits sought to satisfy this need.
             - People will pay the most attention to the attributes that deliver the sought benefits.
             - Consumers develop a set of brand beliefs about where each brand stands on each attribute.
             - The set of beliefs about a brand make up the brand image.
             - The consumer's brand image will vary with their experiences as filtered by the effects of selective perception, selective distortion, and selective retention.
             - Consumer's Brand Beliefs - selection of attributes and weights (see excel file).
             Purchase Decision:.
             - After the consumer forms an intention to buy; two factors can intervene between the purchase intention and the purchase decision.
             - Attitudes of Others - the extent to which another person's attitude changes one's purchase intention.
             - Unanticipated Situational Factors - changes that alter one's purchase intention.
             - In executing a purchase intention, the consumer may make up to five purchase sub-decisions:.
             - Brand decision.
             - Vendor decision.
             - Quantity decision.
             - Timing decision.
             - Payment-method decision.
             - Purchases of everyday products involve fewer decisions and less deliberation.
             Post Purchase Behavior:.
             - After purchasing the product, the consumer will experience some level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction.

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