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            In the Shakespearean play Macbeth, Lady Macbeth is not just a wife, but is an accomplice and abetter of Macbeth's throughout the killing of the King. She is determined to make the third prophecy, of Macbeth becoming king, true. She also believes that Macbeth is not capable of the murder of the King and therefore takes charge and manages the situation. Macbeth could not have murdered Duncan without the help of Lady Macbeth.
             In Act 1, Scene 5, Lady Macbeth devises a plan to kill Duncan while he visits Macbeth.
             and you shall put .
             This night's great business into my dispatch. .
             (Lady Macbeth: Act 1, Scene 5, 74-75).
             She explains to her husband of how she will manage everything, except for the killing. The plan is that she will get Duncan's servants drunk, and then Macbeth will stab the King with his servant's daggers. Lady Macbeth also reminds Macbeth of how to act upon the coming of Duncan to prevent revealing their true intentions.
             Macbeth has many doubts in Act 1, Scene 7, and his true feelings begin to reveal. Therefore he leaves the grand banquet that he throws for the king, so he can have time to think about Lady Macbeth's plans for the night. The thought about killing the king appalls Macbeth, yet the thought of the throne appeals to him. As the many doubts circle around in his head, he concocts reasons as to why the plan is a bad idea. But as this happens Lady Macbeth is there to put him into place. She accuses him of being a coward, and declares that she would rather kill her own child than withdraw from a solemn commitment.
             How tender "tis to love the babe that milks me:.
             I would, while it was smiling in my face,.
             Have pluck"d my nipple from his boneless gums, .
             And dash"d the brans out, had I so sworn.
             As you have done to this.
             (Lady Macbeth: Act 1, Scene 7, 60-64).
             When the night had come to murder Duncan, Lady Macbeth was strong and ready for the killing. After all, she was the backbone in the operation, and if anything went wrong she would be the one to take care of it.

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